My grandson wears a size 19 shoe. We have had difficulty finding socks that fit. I ordered 3 pair to see if they would fit him. He was so happy that we found socks that fit, he doesn't want to take them off. I plan to order more.
Check back often. We add new styles throughout the year and seasonal stock from several brands every Spring and Fall.
My grandson wears a size 19 shoe. We have had difficulty finding socks that fit. I ordered 3 pair to see if they would fit him. He was so happy that we found socks that fit, he doesn't want to take them off. I plan to order more.
As you know I have really big feet, you can't find shoes for me in any store, and when you get lucky and find a pair their never what you want. I've been a happy customer with 2BigFeet for many years and since my son also has big feet we'll be always with 2 Big Feet for many years to come.
Great first experience shopping with 2BigFeet. As I'm sure you've heard before, it's really hard to find shoes for 6E, especially in sizes over men's 14. What a relief to find you!